Started development of the Wifi Speaker Project PC Client Application

Now that the server part of the software is practically complete with streaming capabilities working, it's time to take a look at what is going on with the client side (i.e. the speaker side).

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop not only the SW but also the HW on the client side, including amplifier, decoder, wifi receiver. I already have some ideas of how i'm going to do that on the HW side, but I thought it's probably a better idea to start with a client PC application that behaves much like the future HW on the speakers without having to force me to go ahead just yet on the HW side.

I have just uploaded to the google repository of the project the first mock-up of the GUI for the client side. Actually there's really no GUI, just a debugging form where I can see all the messages sent by the client, the messages received and the stream decoder messages.\

Take a look at the upcoming client SW here and stay tuned as I expect to have it ready until the end of this week.
