Weather Station - pics and software

As mentioned the other day on my last weather station blog entry, here's some pics of my weather station installation:

The weather station sensors at the top of my roof: wind vane, anemometer and rain gauge. LCD placed inside the house reporting current weather (temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed and precipitation (yeah it does get that hot and humid around here and that's actually quite low humidity for July...)

Just a detail of the mounting of the weather station with a bit of rust on it which is quite surprising considering that it has been up for only 2 months. The arduino box and, just below, the temperature and humidity sensor box. The shade from the upper, larger box shields the sensor from the sun (this is not entirely successful but it works most of the time...

The inside of the box. The sensors come to the box that houses, power, the arduino and the arduino ethernet shield. Everything is housed on an IP65 box with a bit of silicone to provide extra water protection.

Regarding the software, visit my pages on, it's still undocumented and simply a software repository but if you have patience you can make it work! A word of caution about the PHP software as it still is not completely ready.

Next steps on this project are:

- Finish the PHP code
- Implement the crontab scheduled database save of data and chart image upload to server
- Show real-time weather data from my station on this page
- Clean up the code (it's a bit chaotic now)
- Document the project
- Get help to improve the code


Unknown said…
The problem with the rust is that the bare pole was not primed before galvanization- so rust is actually building up from under the nice shiny bit.
This method cuts the production cost of the poles and these should not be used in humid areas. Only way to solve it is to paint the pole with weather proof pain as soon as you get it.

Excellent project by the way. I am getting this kit too and going to make it on a Raspberry Pi